Monday, September 15, 2008

New sherriff in town.

That is to say there would be a new sheriff in town if anyone ever read this and this domain had once been home to some asshole who writes bad poetry and yells at his readers in caps a lot. But Alas its more like a new sheriff walking into a totally uninhabited space and setting up a lean to he one day hopes will become a tepee and then a house and then a mansion and then a thriving community of ethnically mixed folk who spend there time playing in the river and living in harmony. But i digress. This site will be a place for my unbased rants and raves, movie and book reviews and every so often a fictional writing or poem that i see fit to be posted anywhere other than the bottom of my nuclear warhead. If you email me, and you're not a prick, i will respond. Now i know that this is pretty hostile for a first post but that's because no one is going to read it anyway and its the only time I'm ever going to get to tell you that you are all a bunch of self conscious twats who would sooner saw their genitalia off with a blunt shoehorn then ever do anything that might make you look uncool. 
Here is the end of this first post and now i vow to be somewhat civil in all following posts, a much disappointing fact of life that I've come to terms with because as much fun it is to be an asshole to people. Not many people give you jobs after you call them faschist bellends

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