Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sorry about all That VVVV

So, this is now two years later, I have read the below contents and realized that i mostly just pretended to be Yahtzee Croshaw for most of it. Which was fun, but also alienating. Anyway, its going to be different around here. Well for me anyway, you nonexistent readers are still around, how loyal of you.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Burn After Reading.

As i seem to need to impress upon you readers a lot is that you don't exist. No one reads this blog because a grand total of four people know it exists, and i don't make my friends read drivel. The advantage to you not existing is that i can say whatever i want, though presumably if anyone ever did read this blog i suppose they could go back and hear about their prior non-existence and crucify me retro-actively for saying that I didn't like "no country for old Men." Ha, I'll bet you didn't see a point at all in that opening ramble of a paragraph, but i fooled you. Now please don't hurt me.
I gave up trying to defend my position on the aforementioned film when i realized that people were willing to defend this thing with tar and feathers. Hell, they would defend anything the Coen brothers so much as breathed on under the reasoning that they breathed on it for a reason and the main character dying doesn't make it a bad movie. Well fuck that. If the main character dies, you are not allowed to carry on the movie, there's nothing to focus on anymore. Its like a talk show without a host. Sure they might have interesting guests, but they just go up too sit on the seats and try and position themselves to look good unaided. This either ends up really boring or really violent depending on the mood of the paternity testers that day. Ha ha.
I would go on about Maury but something seems to be telling me i should be reviewing a movie. Oh that's right, "Burn after Reading". I liked it. The characters were all entertaining and had there own variety of crazy each, which i think is the Coen brothers prerogative. It took me a minute to forgive them for killing Brad Pitt.(oops sorry, spoiler warning) but they had previously divided the action among all the characters that though he was the most awesome of the characters, he didn't have to be the main one, and therefore you could still endure an ending. The meaning of the film was pretty much Ambiguity wrapped in pretentiousness and tied with modern art. Though the film was well made enough that it bring you into this culture rather than force feeds you something that it knows is out of your league and is just wondering how much more of it you'll stomach just so you can argue with your friends that "you know art." 
I won't tell you the rest of the story, just know that the movie is worth seeing and if you've ever worked in a bureaucracy before than you'll enjoy the FBI in the utmost. Not that non-existent movies see movies anyway, especially because of a review written by some snot-nosed teenager 5 days after its realeased in theatres.

Monday, September 15, 2008

New sherriff in town.

That is to say there would be a new sheriff in town if anyone ever read this and this domain had once been home to some asshole who writes bad poetry and yells at his readers in caps a lot. But Alas its more like a new sheriff walking into a totally uninhabited space and setting up a lean to he one day hopes will become a tepee and then a house and then a mansion and then a thriving community of ethnically mixed folk who spend there time playing in the river and living in harmony. But i digress. This site will be a place for my unbased rants and raves, movie and book reviews and every so often a fictional writing or poem that i see fit to be posted anywhere other than the bottom of my nuclear warhead. If you email me, and you're not a prick, i will respond. Now i know that this is pretty hostile for a first post but that's because no one is going to read it anyway and its the only time I'm ever going to get to tell you that you are all a bunch of self conscious twats who would sooner saw their genitalia off with a blunt shoehorn then ever do anything that might make you look uncool. 
Here is the end of this first post and now i vow to be somewhat civil in all following posts, a much disappointing fact of life that I've come to terms with because as much fun it is to be an asshole to people. Not many people give you jobs after you call them faschist bellends